25 July, 2007
www.walkinshaw.net gets it's own forums!
Head on over to www.walkinshaw.net/fourms and sign up!
31st May, 2007
really quick update to just let people who are looking for a Walkinshaw
know that Shannon's Auctions in Melbourne have one, and it will be going
under the hammer on Monday the 4th of June (4 Days away!) The guiding
range according to the page below is $54,000 - $64,000.
So if your on the
hunt for a Walkinshaw, this might just be your chance!
26th April, 2007
just done a big update of build numbers, so if you emailed me, it should
be on there now! if not, email me again!
WA Walkinshaw.net cruise in December was great with 10 original Walkinshaw's
turning up. We also had one a few weeks ago, and had 15 original walkys
present, which I believe is a record for the most walkinshaws together
at one time! Thanks to everyone who came down. One walky was unfortunatley
hit by a Kangaroo, but it could have been worse, as there was a young
boy in the front seat, and he came away with a very small scratch on his
pics can be found here - www.walkinshaw.net/cruise/15-4-07
has sent me some new pics of his replica walky, so check them out here.

A month or 2 ago,
a walkinshaw at Shannon's auctions in Sydney, sold for $73,000! It had
16,000kms on the clock. Prices of walkys are on the rise! Here is the
link to the auction:
finally, there is a walky (build #699) on Australian Muscle Car sales,
that has 1570kms since brand new! From the look of the pics, the lower
extensions have never been fitted!!! It's kept in an air bubble also!
Price tag is $150,000! Click on the image below, to see more pics, or
the link here to go to the AMCS site:

I have a number of
cars to add, and a few more features. As usual, if you have any info,
pics build #'s etc, email them to me: craig@walkinshaw.net
21st December, 2006
Very quick update, just to let people know that there is a WA Walkinshaw.net cruise on this Sunday the 24/12/06. E-Mail me craig@walkinshaw.net
if you have a walkinshaw and are interested in coming along, or call me on 0401 034 099.
I'll be having some time off work over the Xmas break, and I'll be getting stuck into the site!
Have a safe and Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!!!
8th September, 2006
What a tragic day for Australian motorsport. RIP to the King of the Mountain, Peter Brock.
My thoughts go out to his family and friends. You will be sadly missed. A very tough week for Aussie hero's. Rest in peace Peter, you died doing something you truly loved.
13th August, 2006
to everyone who rang or emailed me with Walky's for sale, but the hunt
is over! Im now the lucky and prowd owner of a very rare Walkinshaw!
purchased build #369, which has a number of options from the factory,
that no other Walkinshaw (that I can tell or know of) has.
has full leather interior, rear headrests, velour hoodlining (with sunvisors),
electric sunroof, filled in C pillar moulds, momo stars, Larry Perkins
EMS and engine upgrade, electric mirrors and a few other things. The best
thing is, I have paperwork from HSV and the owner detailing this, which
proves it was from the factory!
big thanks goes to John (Corsa) for letting me and my brother crash at
his place & driving us around Sydney, Chester - whom I bought the
car off, for holding it for me until I got to Sydney, selling me such
a wonderfuly looked after and maintained car (even when he had higher
offers), Jason - for putting me in touch with Chester, organizing dinner
& the cruise (that the Sydney weather decided to ruin), Andrew, Josh,
Daniel, Adrian, Peter and all the other guys that I met while I was in
Sydney. I had a great time guys, and will be back to catch up soon!
here to see a few pics, and I will do a full
feature very soon.
of features, I've added Carl's build #001 Walky to the originals section.
Click here to head over and check out
the story of how Carl managed to become the owner of the 1st Walkinshaw!

As usual, I've added
some more build numbers. It's growing!!
Thanks to everyone
who has sent them in, and keep them coming.
Few more cars to add
soon, and some updates on Alex's EVLHSV.
In WA, Motorvation
2007 (20th & 21st of Jan) is fast approaching, and walkinshaw.net
will be entering as a combined display with calaisturbo.com.au. If you
have a Walkinshaw, original or replica, and would like to enter, please
email me: craig@walkinshaw.net
or phone 0401 034 099. I would love to have as many Walkinshaw's as possible!
So far I have about 5 confirmed, including the Walkinshaw Limo!
Im also working on
a gathering for the 20th anniversary of the Walkinshaw & HSV. I have
heard rumors that HSV will be putting on some type of celebration for
it, possibly in 2007, as HSV was started in 1987. I'd love to get as many
Walkinshaw's to that also, and represent walkinshaw.net. I'd imagine it
will be in Melbourne. I'll keep you all posted!!
3rd July, 2006
some more build numbers & wallpapers in the downloads section. Check
the wallpapers out here.
2nd July, 2006
a quick update. I've just finished adding a bunch of build numbers to
the list.
em coming in! More updates, with more cars, wallpapers, a feature of build
# 001, and the F20 very soon! Also I will be adding a colours page, with
pictures of every different coloured walky I can find.
yeah, I almost forgot. A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to meet the
man who's last name is the reason we call it the Walkinshaw - Tom Walkinshaw
himself! Click here
to have a look at the pics.
17th June, 2006
Finally an update. A big appology to everyone who as been waiting for one, but the wait is almost over!
I will be updaing the site in the next few weeks, with a lot more cars, build no's, info and some other bits and pieces, so stay tuned!
I am, on the lookout for a Walkinshaw to buy. Im chasing a low KM, original as possible walky. MUST have log books. Im in WA, but will look interstate for the
right car. If you have one, or know of one, please email me at: craig@walkinshaw.net, or call me on 0401 034 099.
As always, if you have a walky, original or replica, or some info, a build no, or anything you think might be of interest, please email me!
I have also got my hands on some brand spanking new, original walkinshaw lower front bumper grilles. If you are after one, contact me! I'll post a pic up soon.
Previous news can be found
in the archive section.
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